Jul 23, 2018
Anita Zucker, CEO and Chair of The InterTech Group, philanthropist and all around incredible woman joins me on the #PerfectDay Podcast to talk value exchange and share her vision of a Perfect Day: ballroom dancing! But to get there and have time for yourself, you must learn to delegate. Anita provides tips to do just...
Jul 17, 2018
After losing her husband at the age of 42, Jessica Schmidlapp and her twelve-year-old daughter still had a life to live. Now Owner and Designer of Dudley VanDyke, Jessica knows what a #PerfectDay looks like for her… time with family, blue water and disco music! In this edition of the podcast, Jessica shares how she...
Jul 2, 2018
Adaire Pennington, Owner of Fix Blow Dry and Color Bar in Augusta, Georgia was suffering from a bad case of LDD (Lifestyle Deficit Disorder). She was taking on every task herself and missing out on special moments with family. In this episode of the #PerfectDay Podcast, Adaire shares how her 411 (and wonderful friends...